I-255 westbound lane closure at bridge

As part of upcoming work on the Jefferson Barracks Bridge, the Missouri Department of Transportation said crews will close one lane of westbound I-255 over Koch Road in south St. Louis County through December.

Starting at midnight this Friday, March 18, crews will close one lane on westbound I-255 at the bridge for pavement repairs. MoDOT said the repairs are needed to ensure the bridge is in good condition to handle extra traffic expected when the eastbound I-255 bridge over the Mississippi River closes in April and traffic is shifted to the westbound bridge.

The lane was originally scheduled to be closed as part of necessary traffic shifts for I-255 work at Koch Road and the Mississippi River, but was moved up for these needed repairs. The lane will remain closed until December when the eastbound bridge re-opens, MoDOT said.

Once the eastbound bridge closes in early April, the westbound bridge will carry two lanes of narrowed and shifted traffic in each direction.

MoDOT said drivers can expect congestion levels to be high during the morning and evening rush periods and should consider either adjusting their routes or times or allowing extra time to cross through the work zone.

Last week, MoDOT said one lane of both eastbound and westbound I-255 from Koch Road into Illinois would be closed from 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, weather permitting.

More specifics on the eastbound bridge closure will be released soon, MoDOT said. For more information, click here.


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