How are you celebrating Halloween?

The spookiest time of year is here! Halloween is Thursday and the R-T wants to wish you a Happy Halloween!

We want to SEE how you are celebrating the fun holiday, send us your photos and we will post them to our website. Share your cute costumes, scary decorations and all the ways you take part in this creative holiday! (To learn how to submit a photo, watch our video tutorial here.)

For a complete guide of Halloween events in the area, check out our community events calendar!

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The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or visit the "Subscribe" page on this website.
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