Help sought for house fire victims

Pictured is the aftermath of a Feb. 1 fire that destroyed the home of Dan and Linda Alexander at 8282 D Road northwest of Waterloo. 

Friends of Dan, Linda and Hayley Alexander are raising funds to help the Monroe County family recover following a late night fire Feb. 1 that destroyed their home at 8282 D Road.

Family member Jamie Duvall said her parents and sister narrowly escaped the blaze and lost every material possession along with three pets.

“My step mom and sister required immediate medical attention due to smoke inhalation which resulted in my sister requiring intubation for breathing assistance,” Duvall said.

A GoFundMe to collect funds for the Alexanders has netted about $5,500 so far. 

To donate, visit online at

“The funds will go to help my parents and sister with their immediate needs including temporary housing, clothes, food, toiletries, etc., to help rebuild their lives,” Duvall said.

The Waterloo Fire Department said the fire originated in an attached garage, and the homeowners told fire officials the only item plugged in at the time was a space heater inside the garage.


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