Gibault tennis girls smiling

Sophie Winkeler and Kaila Jerkatis

The Gibault Catholic High School girls tennis team picked up its fourth straight win by defeating Bunker Hill, 4-3, on Sept. 19.

At No. 2 doubles, Sophie Winkeler and Kaila Jerkatis led the way for the Hawks by battling through a back-and-forth match which ended with them coming out on top of a 16-14 tiebreaker to take the match 9-8.

Also contributing to the team victory for Gibault were wins by Myra Coats at No. 2 singles, Winkeler at No. 3 singles and Jerkatis at No. 4 singles. 

Clara Willson lost her No. 1 singles match against a tough opponent, 8-6. 


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