Gibault president departs
Gibault Catholic High School will have someone new stepping in as one of its two administrative leads next year, as it was recently announced that the school’s first president is stepping away at the end of June.
A letter from Gibault President Katie Hankins was shared last week, explaining she plans to step down from the position effective June 30.
“At my wedding this past December, my dad gave his Father of the Bride toast and said, ‘The more you love God, the more you can love your spouse. The more you love your spouse, the more you can love your children. The more you love your children, the more you can love others. His words resonated deeply with me,” Hankins wrote. “I know that I cannot fully live my vocation as wife and mother and be all that Gibault needs in a president at this time.”
She further wrote in the letter about her hopes for the school, pointing to how Gibault will be “strengthening our Catholic identity through retreats, Mass, adoration and reconciliation,” improving its Alumni Association and broadly progressing in a number of other areas.
Hankins noted that Diocese of Belleville Bishop Michael McGovern will be selecting a successor for the position, closing the letter with thanks for the support she’s received as president.
Hankins held the position for this past school year, starting at Gibault back in July 2024.
The school’s change to a “president-principal” model of leadership was announced in the spring of last year.
Effectively serving as two administrative heads, the school’s principal focuses on the interior aspects of the school including day-to-day operations, academics and student and staff well-being while the president is concerned with exterior matters like strategic direction, advancement initiatives and external relations of the school.
This change to office structure itself came as Gibault had undergone frequent changes with its administration, a number of principals having come and gone from the school in recent years.