Gibault hires new principal

Dr. Geoffrey Miller

The Most Rev. Michael McGovern, Bishop of Belleville has named Geoffrey Miller, Ph.D., Principal of Gibault Catholic High School in Waterloo. 

His appointment is effective Jan. 1, 2025.

Dr. Miller has 20 years of experience in Catholic education and seven years of experience in administration. 

He was co-principal at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago, an adjunct instructor for Seminars in Ignatian Leadership, a Provincial Assistant at the Society of Jesus in St. Louis, an Associate Professor of Theology at Saint Louis University, and a Theology teacher at Rockhurst High School in Kansas City, Mo., Regis High School in New York, and Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C.  

Dr. Miller is proficient in six languages, has created multiple Catholic websites and online courses, and has received numerous honors and awards, including the Helen I. Mandeville Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Humanities.

Dr. Miller received his Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religious Studies at Indiana University, his Master of Arts in Historical Theology at SLU and his Ph. D. in Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America.

“I am very pleased to welcome Dr. Geoff Miller to Gibault Catholic High School,” Bishop McGovern said. “Given his Catholic faith and background, I have every confidence that he will excel as principal for Gibault. I think he will collaborate well with the staff and parents and be a great educational leader for the students.”

For more information on Gibault, call 618-939-3883 or visit


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