Friday rollover on Kaskaskia Road

The Maeystown Fire Department and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department responded along with Monroe County EMS just before 8 a.m. Friday to a single-vehicle rollover crash on Kaskaskia Road just south of LL Road near St. Joe.

A black SUV came to rest on its wheels at the bottom of an embankment.

Firefighters cleared the scene shortly after 9:15 a.m.

Police said a 2006 Ford Freestyle driven by Dana L. Truman, 43, of Waterloo, was driving on a curve and braked to slow down but lost control and went off the roadway to the left. The SUV drove through a barbed wire fence and down an embankment, resulting in heavy damage.

Truman refused medical treatment but an 8-year-old passenger was checked out by Monroe County EMS for stomach pain.


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