Fire destroys large shed near Columbia

Pictured is the aftermath of an early Tuesday morning shed fire on Hill Castle Drive.

The Columbia, Millstadt and Waterloo fire departments battled a large pole barn blaze at 148 Hill Castle Drive near Columbia early Tuesday morning.

The call went out shortly before 2:45 a.m.

“It was fully involved when we got there and the roof was already down,” Columbia Fire Chief Mike Roediger said.

The building was a complete loss, with a pickup truck, car, tractor, jet skis and boat among the contents also destroyed. Tools and machinery inside the shed were also lost in the blaze.

The shed was about 30 feet by 50 feet in size with an overhang on the side that sheltered the boat, Roediger assessed.

The property owners are Chris and Rhonda Shaw.

Roediger said a cause of the fire is undetermined at this time.


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