Family pharmacy celebrates 125 years

Pictured is Steve Wightman outside of his pharmacy at 127 S. Main Street in Waterloo.

Under its fourth-generation family owner, Wightman Pharmacy in downtown Waterloo has reached its 125th birthday. 

While current owner Steve Wightman said a lot of things have changed over the years, he attributes one constant to the pharmacy’s success: 

“Everything we base our business on is taking care of the people of Waterloo the best we can,” he said. 

Like his three predecessors, Steve took over the family business after graduating from St. Louis College of Pharmacy. This education gave German immigrant Peter Aloyfius Hamacher his start in the field, with him opening the pharmacy at 127 S. Main Street in 1897. 

Hamacher bought the building, which was 25 years old at the time, from Humbert Kunster, another German immigrant. This year marks the building’s 150th anniversary. 

When Hamacher’s daughter married Joseph Wightman, Steve’s grandfather, and Joseph took over the business, the Wightman Pharmacy name began. 

Eventually, the reins were passed to Steve’s father, Thomas, and then to Steve. 

For Steve, the transition was natural.

“I didn’t work here when I was a child or anything like that, but we would always come up here after school and get candy and hang out,” Steve said. “I remember one time I was in high school and I was just hanging out here after school and I saw my dad taking care of a customer. The person was really, really thankful with what my dad told them. When I saw that, I was like ‘I could do that.’ It looked like a good thing to do.” 

Steve vowed to continue the same level of high customer support when he took over. He said the small atmosphere lends to this goal. 

“We know our customers and I know the bigger pharmacies just can’t do that. There’s too many people,” Steve said. “If they need help out front with over-the-counter medicines or whatever they need, we’ll go out there and spend some time with them, talk to them and help them out with whatever they need. The big box stores don’t have time to do that.” 

Steve explained Wightman Pharmacy tries to carry “a little bit of everything,” making it a one-stop-shop. A customer favorite is its collection of durable Melissa and Doug children’s toys. They also offer vaccinations, with the exception of COVID-19 vaccines. 

Yet, service extends well beyond the building’s walls. Wightman Pharmacy offers a mobile app so customers can request refills without having to call, free in-town delivery and even send out special calls to welcome new customers and celebrate birthdays. 

“With our phone system we send out birthday wishes on people’s birthdays,” Steve said. “It’s the computer sending the call out, but it’s a message I recorded so it is in my voice. I’ve had several folks tell me that when they got that birthday message that was the only time anyone on their birthday told them happy birthday. So when somebody told me that, I was like ‘I’m never going to stop doing that.’ Everybody needs at least one birthday wish.”

Steve said he is hoping the adaptability the pharmacy has shown over the past 125 years will yield many more milestone anniversaries. 

“Hopefully we can just stay around and do what we’re doing, and (continue) to change with the times,” he said. “Hopefully we can adjust and keep the doors open for a long time.”  

For more information, call Wightman Pharmacy at 618-939-6218.

Madison Lammert

Madison is a reporter at the Republic-Times. She has over six years of experience in journalistic writing. Madison is a recent graduate of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; she graduated summa cum laude with a degree in mass communications. Before graduating and working at the Republic-Times, Madison worked for SIUE’s student newspaper, The Alestle, for many years. During her time there she filled many roles, including editor-in-chief. When she is not working, she likes to spend time with her dog and try new restaurants across the river.
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