Driver charged with DUI after striking bicyclist

Justin M. Reeder

A young Columbia man now faces felony charges after he allegedly struck and injured a bicyclist while driving drunk on Saturday morning.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department said that shortly after 7:45 a.m., deputies were dispatched to the area of 8952 Levee Road near Valmeyer after a bicyclist was struck by a 2020 Dodge Charger that had fled the scene.

Monroe County EMS transported the bicyclist, a 58-year-old man from the St. Louis area, to a hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

“With the description of the suspect vehicle given by the victim along with a witness, a deputy was able to broadcast the information to responding deputies along with neighboring police agencies,” MCSD Sgt. Justin Biggs said. “A Columbia police officer spotted a vehicle matching the description of the suspect vehicle and notified deputies. Contact was made and the driver and passenger were identified.”

Police said evidence was located that linked the vehicle to the crash scene along with statements made by vehicle occupants.

“As deputies spoke with the driver, suspicion of impairment became obvious,” Biggs said.

The driver, Justin M. Reeder, 21, of rural Columbia, was charged Monday with aggravated DUI (crash with bodily harm) and failure to report an accident involving injury. The aggravated DUI charge is a Class 4 felony. The failure to report charge is a Class 2 felony.

Bond for Reeder was set at $20,000.


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