Windy Wednesday incidents

High winds on Wednesday resulted in several calls to area emergency agencies.

Just after 3:45 p.m., the Waterloo Fire Department responded to the area of 408 N. Library Street for a report of a low-hanging utility line, which was determined to be a Harrisonville Telephone Company phone line.

Shortly before 4:10 p.m., the Waterloo police and fire departments and Monroe County EMS were paged to the Superior Trucking parking area between East Third and East Fourth streets after wind caused a utility pole to snap, striking a Jeep Wrangler and Dodge Caliber as it fell.

No one was injured during the incident, but the windshield of the Dodge was severely damaged.

About 4:40 p.m., Columbia Fire Department personnel responded to Imbs Station Road at Stonegate Drive near Dupo for a report of a tree which had fallen on a vehicle.

Initial dispatch communication indicated there were possible injuries, but no entrapment.

Just before 5:15 p.m., the Waterloo Fire Department was paged to Schorr Lake Winery, 1032 S. Library Street, for a report of power lines down, possibly on the roadway and causing a power outage to several Waterloo electric customers in the area.

South Library Street was closed from Lakeview Drive to Route 3 as Waterloo city crews repaired the lines.

Just before 6:30 p.m., Columbia firefighters responded to 9255 Coach Stop Road for a grass/brush fire. This fire was quickly extinguished.


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