Crash on Route 3 south of Waterloo

Traffic was backed up following a multi-vehicle crash with injury near the Sydenstricker Nobbe John Deere dealership at 6469 State Route 3 south of Waterloo. The crash occurred shortly after 8 a.m. Friday.

Police said a 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe was traveling south on Route 3 and went off the roadway, striking a mailbox before overcorrecting and veering into the northbound lane. This resulted in a nearly head-on collision with an Illinois Department of Transportation truck driven by Blair Chamness, 60, of Sparta, which was traveling north on Route 3. Chamness was transported by ambulance to Mercy Hospital South in St. Louis County.

The responding agencies include the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, Monroe County EMS and Waterloo Fire Department.


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