Columbia holds brief meeting

In a short meeting of the Columbia City Council Monday night, the council voted to establish guidelines for public input during virtual meetings and approved several changes to boards, commissions and committees for the upcoming year.

New business included approval of a resolution that follows Illinois Municipal League recommendations that municipalities adopt guidelines for public input during the current era of virtual meetings. Those wishing to have public input read may submit comments in writing to the city clerk in advance of the meeting. Those who wish to speak during meetings should contact the city clerk no later than five hours before the scheduled meeting’s starting time.

In old business, the council approved appointments and changes to members of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund and the Columbia Heritage and Preservation Commission. The city also dissolved three committees. 

Columbia’s Tourism Advisory Committee was dissolved in an effort to “bring efficiency to the new tourism grant program,” according to the agenda item report. The committee can be reestablished at any time if needed. The Architectural Review Board and Street Graphics Committee will be dissolved and the duties will be taken by the Columbia Plan Commission.

In other business, the council approved the purchase of a parcel of land near the south side of Quarry Road just east of Gedern Drive needed for right-of-way for Phase I of the Quarry Road resurfacing project. 

Columbia City Engineer Chris Smith recommended rejecting bids for pavement striping due to the low bid being considered too high for the current striping budget. Smith said his department will reassess needed bids and may seek proposals in the future.

Scott Woodsmall

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