Carol Cathryn Reitz | Obituary

Carol Cathryn Reitz

Carol Cathryn Reitz

Carol Cathryn Reitz, 80, of Costa Mesa, Calif., died June 22, 2016, in her home.

She was born Feb. 14, 1936, in Waterloo, daughter of the late Fred and Leora Reitz.

Carol attended Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School for elementary school and high school, graduating in 1954. She went on to attend Southern Illinois University Carbondale, from which she graduated in 1958.

She worked as a first grade teacher in the Cahokia School District for 34 years, retiring in 1992.

Carol loved to travel, visiting Africa, Europe, several islands in the Pacific, and many U.S. landmarks.

She moved to Costa Mesa, Calif., to be with her sister Germain Leingang (nee Reitz) and Germain’s husband, Frank Leingang.

She is survived by her sisters Orlou Burkemper (nee Reitz) and Germain Leingang (nee Reitz); brothers Aaron Reitz and Neil Reitz; and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends

She was preceded in death by her parents, and brothers Roger, LeRoy, Glenn, Floyd and Fred Reitz.

She will be buried next to her parents at Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery, Waterloo, in August, following her cremation in California.

Memorial contributions may be made to Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School, Waterloo.


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