Cardboard recycling changes 

Effective immediately, Reliable Sanitation announced changes to its collection of cardboard as part of weekly recycling pickup.

Reliable said cardboard boxes three-feet-by-three-feet and smaller in size must be broken down and placed inside of the recycling tote.

Cardboard boxes three-feet-by-three-feet and larger in size may be taken to the Monroe County Recycling Center, 901 Illinois Avenue, Waterloo, free of charge.

All cardboard boxes placed outside the recycling tote will not be picked up, Reliable said.

Per the Reliable website, corrugated cardboard and smaller food boxes (remove packaging and liners), can be accepted as long as there is no food or grease residue. 

Among the items that can be picked up in weekly curbside recycling include beverage cans, tin food cans, empty aerosol cans, newspapers, magazines, mixed office paper, notebook paper, staples, paperclips and plastic windows.

Plastic water bottles, soda bottles and berry trays are accepted but must be stamped with the 1 PETE symbol. 

Plastic milk jugs, detergent bottles and shampoo bottles, are accepted but must be stamped with the 2 HDPE symbol. 

Household glass bottles and jars can be recycled in “glass only” drop-off containers. Glass items will not be accepted in curbside recycling bins or blue drop-off trailers.

For questions or more information, call Reliable Sanitation at 618-939-3333.


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