Candidates speak at forum

Election Day is Nov. 3, and candidates for races Monroe County residents can participate in took part in a candidates forum Wednesday night in Waterloo to help voters decide who to support.

Sponsored by the Monroe County Farm Bureau, Waterloo Chamber of Commerce, Republic-Times and Monroe County Independent, candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, Illinois House of Representatives, Monroe County State’s Attorney and Monroe County Commissioner came to Gallagher’s Restaurant in Waterloo to answer questions prepared by the sponsors.

The questions differed for each race but were the same for each candidate. Subjects included the nation’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the graduated income tax amendment, priorities of the state’s attorney’s office and the county’s continued ownership of Oak Hill.

U.S. Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) and challenger Raymond Lenzi (D-Makanda), David Friess (R-Red Bud) and incumbent state Rep. Nathan Reitz (D-Steeleville), Republican state’s attorney candidate Lucas Liefer and opponent Democrat Celeste Korando and Republican candidate for county commissioner George Green all attended the forum. Democrat candidate for county commissioner Duane Langhorst had a prior scheduling conflict, so he visited the Republic-Times newspaper office the day before the event to respond to questions.

For the full video of the forum, visit the Republic-Times on YouTube or click the video below.


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