Cahokia Conference athletes honored 

Several local high school athletes were named to all-conference teams in the Cahokia Conference for their stand-out efforts in baseball, softball and girls soccer this past spring. 

In the conference’s large-school Mississippi Division, Columbia’s Aidan Gaither, Dom Voegele, Jack Steckler, Reed Drabant and Lucas Riebeling were selected all-conference in baseball. 

Columbia’s Karsen Jany, Jaylyn Brister and Elle van Breusegen were named all-conference in the Mississippi Division for softball. 

Columbia’s Maddie Mauch, Taylor Martin, Riley Mathews and Reese Woelfel were all selected all-conference in the Mississippi Division for girls soccer. 

In the conference’s small-school Kaskaskia Division, Valmeyer’s Elijah Miller and Dupo’s Chance Hunter and Logan Stevens were all selected all-conference for baseball. 

In softball, Kaskaskia Division all-conference honors went to Valmeyer’s Markee Voelker, Peyton Similey, Kylie Eschmann and Brooke Miller along with Dupo’s Kyann Prater and Kaylyn Woods. 


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