Bull ride Sept. 16 in Waterloo

The Monroe County Fairgrounds is the place to be Saturday, Sept. 16, for the Waterloo Optimist Club Blue Army Bull Bash.

Money raised from this annual event goes back to the youth of Waterloo and Monroe County. 

The Optimists work with Next Level Professional Bull Riding and four-time world bull-riding champion, co-founder, and former president of the PBR, Tuff Hedeman, to bring this entertainment to town. 

Hedeman and several of his cowboys will be at Rural King in Waterloo the morning of the event for autograph signings and pictures. 

Tickets for the bull ride may be purchased at Rural King, Sydenstricker-Nobbe John Deere, Outsider tavern, any local First National Bank locations, or online at waterlooiloptimist.org. 

Advance tickets are $20, while tickets at the gate are $25. Children ages 12 and younger are admitted free with a paying adult.

Gates open at 4 p.m. for the 7 p.m. event. 

There will food and beverages available, horseback rides for the kids, and western apparel vendors. 

An after party with live music under the beer pavilion will be held for autographs and a meet-and-greet with the cowboys.


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