Away from the manger

Police are investigating the theft of a baby Jesus figurine from the Nativity scene outside of a Waterloo church over the weekend. 

The theft was discovered about 7:45 a.m. Sunday at Immanuel Lutheran Church, located at 522 S. Church Street. 

The Waterloo Police Department said it is canvassing the area near the church for home security camera footage and other evidence. 

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the WPD at 618-939-3377. 

Immanuel Lutheran Church secretary Lisa Clamors noted that the Nativity scene was set up on Dec. 7.

She further noted this is the first instance of someone seeming to have tampered with the display in her 20 years with the church.

Voicing a message to anyone who might have stolen from the display, Clamors said folks with Immanuel Lutheran don’t intend to punish anyone but would simply like the figurine returned given its significance for the season.

“It’s not just stuff,” Clamors said. “It’s the meaning behind what they took that means the most this time of year. Hopefully whoever did this will come forward, but taking what the true meaning of Christmas is and taking that from a place that wants to proclaim that and share Jesus, it’s disheartening to see.”


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