Wendy Range

Frederico’s offers taste of Mediterranean in Waterloo

by Natalie Schweiger Strolling down the sidewalk and soaking up the gorgeous fall weather, I’m taken back to my time spent in Italy this past summer — particularly afternoons when…

Pioneers of the Illinois Frontier, part 1

by Deborah Heal My first three novels, the “history mystery trilogy, are set in southern Illinois towns near where I was born and grew up: Equality, Miles Station/Brighton, and Alton.…


Permission to Present Arms | Planet Ryan

Yesterday, after reading a Facebook post from our talented Republic-Times photographer, Alan Dooley, I was thrilled to learn of recent law that was passed regarding former service members being allowed…


War of the Worlds | Mark’s Remarks

Orson Welles was an actor and director, and at one time was at the helm of a popular radio show called “Mercury Theater on the Air.” This group of distinguished…

Vote! | Planet Ryan

Assuming you’ve seen the myriad of political “vote for me” signs lining the roads around the county, you know election day is just a few short weeks away. For some,…


In our lifetime | Mark’s Remarks

To tell you the truth, there are days I can barely pay attention to the news. Isn’t that awful? But many of you know what I’m talking about. After a…

Local food review: Fajitas del Pacifio

by Natalie Schweiger In the culinary world good quality food is a top priority. The value of a dish can be determined by freshness and taste. When I visited Casa…

Naked and Afraid | Planet Ryan

I have a confession to make: I’m completely addicted to the survival reality TV show “Naked and Afraid,” which airs weekly on the Discovery Channel. For those of you not…


Your glass and telomeres | Mark’s Remarks

How often have you heard the old adage “the glass is half full?” Not that one? Maybe you yourself have said it’s half empty. Whatever the case, you know the…


Tough | Mark’s Remarks

I’m as sympathetic as the next guy. I like to think there is good in just about everyone. As I grow older, I am more forgiving and am able to…