Wendy Range


Busting | Mark’s Remarks

We all have had news that made us feel like we were going to bust. Haven’t we? Think about it for a minute. We guys have an issue with being…

A Smarter Home | Planet Ryan

I’ve written several columns in the past concerning the future and what it holds for us mere humans on the technology front – and mostly because I’m pretty darn excited…


Memorials | Mark’s Remarks

My hometown has had a bit of drama lately.  I’ve been keeping up with the news through my hometown paper. There is a very nice, large cemetery in my hometown.…

Bass Fishing | Planet Ryan

What’s better than a boat, a body of water, your favorite beverage and a fishing rod and reel in hand? As summer approaches and the days become longer, sitting out…


Last Day of School | Mark’s Remarks

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Nobody knows what it’s like to be teacher, especially at the end of the year.  I have had well-educated, upstanding…


Escape Artist, Part 2 | Mark’s Remarks

A few years back, I wrote to you about my baby daughter and how she had her daddy wrapped around her finger. I wrote about how she often got me…

Local Food Review | Gallagher’s Fried Chicken

by Natalie Schweiger Being able to say you’ve enjoyed a Southern Style Dinner should be a requirement for anyone claiming to be American. This is the kind of meal that…

Veterans Corner | Rick Schilling

Illinois Joining Forces is a joint Department of Veterans’ Affairs and Department of Military Affairs effort designed to better serve veterans, service members and their families throughout the state. IJF…


The Buffoon Father: A Continuing Saga | Mark’s Remarks

You know if you read this column regularly that I am constantly griping about how men, especially fathers, have been pushed back or even pushed out of the picture. This…


Hero Worship, Hard Falls, Life Lessons | Mark’s Remarks

Lately we’ve been hearing about a whole bunch of people messing up. Folks we have admired have had their darker sides exposed. We hear about Bill Cosby, Brian Williams and…