Scott Woodsmall

Being a Servant | Mark’s Remarks
The Bible says plenty about being a servant of God. We are called to be servants, to give of ourselves and our talents. We are called to do God’s work.…

Devil’s Kitchen, the Enfield Monster and UFOs | Mark’s Remarks
I didn’t know until recently that this area of Illinois is sometimes referred to as “Devil’s Kitchen.” The name apparently comes from Native Americans and pioneers of this region. Some…

Overnight | Mark’s Remarks
During these cool days, our thoughts often go to the wonderful things about fall, to being cool again and escaping from the muggy days of late summer and early fall.…

Anniversary | Mark’s Remarks
I started writing this column in October 2007. Yes. This particular week marks the week I started writing this column. I can’t really believe it. Back then, I had written…

Uncharted Territory | 10/11/2017
Every year at this time, we have a day off to celebrate Columbus, his discoveries, etc. There has been much debate over Columbus Day. I won’t get into that again…

Tech Trouble | Mark’s Remarks
I know you are like me and you stop and think about technology from time to time. I was just thinking about how far we’ve come in just a short…

Up and Down | Mark’s Remarks
I wasn’t even aware that people did this until the women in my life mentioned it. Now I notice it all the time. You know what I’m talking about; the…

‘Victoria and Abdul’ | Movie Review
Victoria and Abdul: a Lavish Dramedy with Wonderfully Packaged Moments I can’t imagine Judi Dench disappointing in anything she appears in. This movie is another testament to her prowess. “Victoria…