Jon Palmer

Little celebrations | Mark’s Remarks

Of course, I always write school-related columns this time every year. Being a teacher for almost 25 years, starting school is always monumental time. I always seem to write columns…

Breaking Employment Barriers

By KATHI WEILBACHER Career Specialist Job hunting at any age can be stressful. For those over the age of 50, the experience can be frightening in an uncertain job market.…

Compassion for the bug | Mark’s Remarks

As the school year begins, I find myself spending every waking moment at school. I often go in early in the mornings on weekends or after the kids have gone…

The secret to lower grocery bills | Planet Ryan

Did you know that back in 1913, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, a loaf of bread would set you back nearly six cents? Or that a gallon…

No boys allowed | Mark’s Remarks

When I first started teaching almost 25 years ago, there were only a few men on the staff. In my own particular grade level, there were no men. When you…

The secret to lower grocery bills | Planet Ryan

By RYAN LEDENDECKER Columnist Did you know that back in 1913, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, a loaf of bread would set you back nearly six cents?…

Summertime memories | Planet Ryan

What an absolutely awesome past few weeks of weather we’ve had. Am I right? I recall a column I wrote last year at about this same time, with a desperate…

Listen to the words | Mark’s Remarks

Go figure. I like to listen to the oldies station. If you’ve read any of my columns about my love of history, that will come as no surprise. However, it…

The magic of an ordinary birthday | Mark’s Remarks

Bless Andrea Degenhart’s heart. Every year she wishes me a happy birthday in her column. You would think that all of us at the Republic-Times are one big happy family…

The airwaves | Mark’s Remarks

In my hometown, we have a little radio station that started broadcasting in the 1950’s. I grew up listening. In the mornings, there would be commentary from the announcer, a…