Jon Palmer

The Scroobys | Mark’s Remarks
Long ago in the 1500s, when Henry VIII decided he wanted to divorce and marry whenever he darned well felt like it, he decided to start his own church. You…

Help emergency responders help you
The Waterloo Fire Department, along with Monroe County EMS, would like to inform the public about the Yellow Dot Program, a state-wide initiative designed to provide vital medical information on…

Team Parents | Mark’s Remarks
Over the years, I’ve been to more sporting events than I can count. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to watch parents and use my judgmental and critical nature to analyze…

Here are some winter wellness tips!
Cooler temperatures often bring along the season’s sniffles and colds. With a few winter wellness tips, you can prepare for a happier and healthier season, regardless of your budget, with the…

Share your holiday recipes!
The Republic-Times annual holiday cookbook hits stands this week, and in honor of this holiday tradition the R-T is calling on YOU to share your recipes with the community! Help…

So long, old pal | Mark’s Remarks
It’s always been part of my comedy schtick to tell people how much I don’t get along with my dog. People have laughed and so I have continued telling folks…

Moving foward | Planet Ryan
You know that awesome feeling when everything is going right in your world? I’m not a pessimist by any stretch, but I’m starting to feel like if you’re on top…