Jon Palmer

Productivity | Planet Ryan
Around this time of year, it’s easy to get lost in a whirlwind of activities, such as shopping, year-end work projects, social-gatherings, family projects and more shopping. Even the most…

Shirley’s Christmas | Mark’s Remarks
Everyone I have known named Shirley has been important to me. My mother’s name is Shirley. I have good friends named Shirley. I always liked Shirley Temple (don’t judge). A…

I can see clearly now | Mark’s Remarks
Seemingly overnight, I needed glasses. I didn’t see it coming. It crept upon me like a thief. The first time I noticed it was at church. We were sitting in…

The Republic-Times Best of 2013
The Republic-Times Best of 2013 contest is now closed. We want to extend a BIG Thank You to everyone that participated. The results of the contest are printed in the…

Waterloo Santa Float runs Dec. 17-24
The Waterloo German Band float will again be transformed with holiday cheer to bring Santa to all who are near. The float will run Dec. 17-24. This project is made…

Candlelight House Tour is Saturday in Waterloo
It just wouldn’t be Christmas in Waterloo without the Waterloo High School Band Parents’ annual Candlelight House Tour of beautifully decorated homes. The 22nd annual event takes place this Saturday…

Is this The Jetsons? | Planet Ryan
Before I go to sleep at night, I usually check emails and other messages on my phone. I also flick through all the news feeds, including Facebook, to see what’s…

Greed | Mark’s Remarks
When I wrote about the Pilgrims last week, I included an end to the story; I told you that eventually, the Pilgrims were no longer friends with those same people…