Jon Palmer

Planet Ryan – Crowdfunding 101
Let’s say you have a brilliant idea, or maybe a passion for a political movement or charity, or perhaps you’re on the verge of opening a new business or launching…

Mark’s Remarks – Slackers and identities
I read an interesting letter last week. In the letter, a lady spoke of how her husband chided her when her parents were coming to town. He chided her because…

Cashmere Pulaski or Roman Polanski? | Mark’s Remarks
Schools around Illinois were not in session Monday to honor Casimir Pulaski. I’m pretty sure I’ve written a little about him before, being the history nut that I am, but…

Triggers | Mark’s Remarks
It’s always a good thing to do a little introspection from time to time. As usual, any time I do it, I start thinking about how silly I behave sometimes.…

The new guy | Planet Ryan
Last week, I received some spectacular news… the type of news that put a little extra pep in my step. I’d been offered a position with a popular local business,…

Spam | Mark’s Remarks
My mother used to make Spam for us when we were kids. It wasn’t necessarily a staple in our house, but we liked it. I can remember putting barbecue sauce…

Sick of Being Sick | Planet Ryan
Is it me, or has just about everyone you know been afflicted with a nasty bug this winter? This year seems especially bad. I can say with absolute certainty that…

Mumbling | Mark’s Remarks
Ever since I got married, my wife has pointed out that I have a hearing problem. There have been plenty of times I have asked her to repeat herself. Many…