Jon Palmer

What the other guy is doing | Mark’s Remarks

Now, you would think those of us at the Republic-Times are all good friends who hang out in the employee lounge. On the contrary. I have never met most of…


Rewards | Mark’s Remarks

When we were in school, teachers had expectations.  They had expectations we would listen and do as we were told. They expected us to learn to spell, learn our math…

The Rundown | Planet Ryan

Since presidential politics are dominating the headlines and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, I thought I’d present my personal thoughts about some of the candidates on…


Mark’s Remarks | Rivalries

Rivalries between schools have been around since schools and sports teams were invented.  We’ve heard stories of rivalries getting a bit out of hand. I’m sure there are plenty of…

Aliens or Bust | Planet Ryan

Before NASA announced that a very salty, transient water exists on the surface of Mars, I’ll be honest, I was crossing my fingers and silently hoping for the BIG announcement…


Passenger | Mark’s Remarks

I have entered the season of life in which I am called on to become a driving instructor.  Son No. 1 got his license last year and is now a…


Fountain of Youth in the Back Seat | Mark’s Remarks

Four years ago, Michelle and I were in our early 40s. I was crowding my mid-40s, but she had just started hers. When we told people we were having another…

Daily fantasy sports | Planet Ryan

Not long ago, if a person was inclined to play a fantasy sport, they were somewhat limited to commit to a season-long league. Over an entire season, as players were…


Putting up and speaking up | Mark’s Remarks

No matter how much I know and no matter how much I tell you what the Bible says about tolerance and turning the other cheek, I still have it within…


Mark’s Remarks | Couch

Michelle and I didn’t buy our first piece of furniture until we were expecting Riley. Although we lived in a tiny little house, we had the luxury of three small…