Jon Palmer

Everyone’s an Idiot | Mark’s Remarks

How do you like that title? I figured I’d get your attention.  Now, I have to say, I don’t generally feel this way. But let’s face it, we all have…

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘Smallfoot’ appealing to all audiences

You may be one of those people who has been intrigued with tales of the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.  The movie “Smallfoot” plays upon those tales, bringing elements of…

Mind and Body | Mark’s Remarks

I’ve said before that I come from a long line of grudge-holders. I can’t blame my family too much, though. In the day and age that I grew up in,…

Not My Kids | Mark’s Remarks

I am constantly amazed at how parents behave. I am no different. We tend to think our kids are a cut above. I think we should to some extent. Our…

Style | Mark’s Remarks

Who decides the style trends? I’m still amazed at some of the things we wore back in the day. In the 1980s, we took our pant legs and tight-rolled them. …

Excessive Talking | Mark’s Remarks

I recently had my 29th parent night, with eager and nervous parents visiting, wondering what this year of school would be like for their children. It’s always interesting to meet…

Abbreviated Vacation | Mark’s Remarks

We had big dreams in the early spring of a vacation on the beach.  Our plan was to drive to Virginia Beach, visiting the homes of the presidents along the…

Fears And The Younger Self | Mark’s Remarks

I think about what I feared when I was younger and how many of those fears have gone away. I also realize that things worry me that didn’t worry me…

The Art of Nosiness | Mark’s Remarks

There are people who are so good at it, you don’t even notice. You know what I’m talking about. Don’t you know a nosy person who has to know everyone’s…

A Critical Spirit And Getting Scolded | Mark’s Remarks

I think there is a common thread, or many common threads, that run in groups of people who grow up in small communities. In those places, everyone knows everyone. Although…