Jon Palmer

Green-eyed folk

Did you ever have a friend or family member who was obviously jealous of you, your family, or most humans?  Over the years, I’ve met a few. Whether they were…

Petty, entitled, selfish us | Mark’s Remarks

Oh boy. People are fools. We have thrown out rational thinking and manners.  In this day and age, an increasing amount of people think they are entitled. It’s maddening. How…

Bullying Bull | Mark’s Remarks

I don’t know about you, but I feel the term “bullying” has gotten way out of hand. I’m pretty sure it goes along with this entitlement jazz so many folks…

Thud, thud | Mark’s Remarks

When our boys were little, especially when they depended on us for every need, it was rare to have a moment’s peace in the house. One of them was always…

Set intentions, not resolutions | The Happy + Healthy Life

With December coming to a close, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect on the previous year and look ahead to the new year. Like many, you probably are starting to…

1917 | Movie Review

Sam Mendes has achieved something many filmmakers hope for, yet rarely achieve: he has made a movie that will be considered an epic and will rank among the greatest war…

Twenty years already? | Mark’s Remarks

When I was in grade school, I used to imagine myself in the year 2000.  In my mind’s eye, there I was; gray headed, wearing glasses.  A family.  Grown-up kids.…

Top 10 films of 2019

After getting off to a bit of a rocky start, 2019 turned out to be a pretty good year for movies. Although only three of the films on my top…

The Word | Mark’s Remarks

 40 years this summer.  Since then, it’s been an interesting journey of spiritual understanding, searching, and constant “restarts.” I’m still learning. I’m still “restarting,” sometimes on a daily basis. Something…

Toy spree | Mark’s Remarks

I’ve written before about getting the Sears catalog at Christmas, and pouring over the pages of shiny, colored photographs. I especially remember that tall matchbox car garage, something I dreamed…