Jon Palmer

What’s so hard about it? | Mark’s Remarks

Teachers have never been fans of remote learning. We want our students in school. We miss them.  We want things to return to normal.  Although many in the general public…

Hocus Pocus, everybody focus | The Happy + Healthy Life

The other day, I was sitting at my desk and in between my computer there were stacks of books, piles of papers, two coffee cups and a water glass. I…

Spoiling is what I do | Mark’s Remarks

Michelle traveled to Florida with a friend last week, and since school had started and everyone was caught up in the madness that is school right now, we called in…

Things I hope will last | Mark’s Remarks

If you are like me, there are many things you’ve come to like about this pandemic. Am I right? Just sit and think for a bit. Does it seem to…

How to Behave 101 | Mark’s Remarks

Hey kids, I’m afraid here’s another column addressed to you. Number one, as we start school. I see kiddos who regularly walk down the hall in the mornings. They are…

Cleaning out the notebook | Mark’s Remarks

Sometimes I make little notes on possible column topics. Then, when I go to write them there’s not enough meat to make it into a column. Even with my talent…

Little princesses | Mark’s Remarks

About this time nine summers ago, I wrote a bit of a dedication to our fourth child. She was born on July 14 and would be our last baby. That…

Transform your life | The Healthy + Happy Life

If you are feeling stuck, stressed, anxious, frustrated or like you are just going through the motions, keep reading.  These 11 tips are the secret sauce to creating a life…

Touching base with the class cut-up

Due to the pandemic, our class reunion was cancelled.  In all the exchanges on Facebook, I reconnected with an old friend who just so happened to live close by. We…

Story of a toxic family | Mark’s Remarks

I like talking to older folks. There have been many I’ve “interviewed” over the years, tucking their stories in my little notebook. I read some notes on one of them…