Jon Palmer

Graham A. Colditz, MD, Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health, is photographed at FLTC on March 15, 2022. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

Simple Tips for Keeping Weight in Check | For Your Health

Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center Weight can be a tricky topic. While our weight has no bearing on who we are or how we should be viewed or…

bill ott

Live and Let Live | Ott Observations

A conservative friend who reads my columns recently asked me what I thought about transgenders, specifically about athletes.   He knows I have a stepdaughter who once played college volleyball.…

Me, my and mine | Mark’s Remarks

When my brother and I shared a bottle of soda back in the day, we had to line the glasses up and measure to the tee.  As the older, more…

The brave | Mark’s Remarks

You ever notice how people are always ready to know your business and then tell you what you should do? I’m starting to sound like Andy Rooney.  Remember him? I’ve…

bill ott

Idiocracy – The Sequel | Ott Observations

Recently I found myself thinking about a movie made back in 2006 called “Idiocracy.” The movie is a science fiction comedy, with a plot about a future dystopian society where…

Meetings and more meetings | Mark’s Remarks

I don’t know when meetings became such a thing. I really don’t remember. It just suddenly seemed like they were around a lot. For me personally, a meeting should be…

Graham A. Colditz, MD, Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health, is photographed at FLTC on March 15, 2022. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

The Many Benefits of Spending Time in Greenspaces | For Your Health

BY DR. GRAHAM COLDITZ Siteman Cancer Center As wonderful as summertime can be, there’s also something really nice about the calendar – and the weather – turning toward fall. The…

woman king FEAT

The Woman King | Movie Review

When one thinks of grand battle scenes in epic war dramas, movies such as “Braveheart,” “1917,” and “Dunkirk” come to mind, followed by a long list of films that inspire…

Christian bullies | Mark’s Remarks

I may have told you this before, but it has happened enough that it’s worth talking about again. I hope the adults reading this, if they relate, will step up…

bill ott

Raising the dialogue | Ott Observations

Not quite two years ago, I began writing letters to the editor, which eventually led to this column. I had an objective. I was frustrated by the level of almost…