Jon Palmer

bill ott

Real efficiency | Ott Observations

While I have my doubts about the incoming administration’s true intents and their ability to effectively implement policies, I believe every incoming President and legislative majority deserves the chance to…


Elderly impatience and Walmart | Mark’s Remarks

It wasn’t until I started working retail when I was in my late teens that I realized that older people aren’t as patient as I thought they were.  Until then,…

Graham A. Colditz, MD, Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health, is photographed at FLTC on March 15, 2022. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

Ultra-processed food: A growing list of possible health risks | For Your Health

By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center Ultra-processed foods. It’s not a term many of us heard 10, or even five, years ago. But that’s starting to change. We…


Scary Christmas | Mark’s Remarks

Did you ever stop and think about how frightening Christmas can be? I think I’d sort of forgotten myself.   Then I happened upon several reels of parents scaring the…


An Epiphany progressive dinner | Taste Buds

The Christmas holiday season for many Christians concludes with marking the Epiphany — the Magi’s visit to baby Jesus. All around the world, people celebrate the Epiphany in different ways.…

bill ott

Tidy little compartments | Ott Observations

Human beings have an amazing capacity to keep different aspects of their lives in tidy little compartments, often trying to ignore the contradictions between these compartments.   Neatly defining each…


Three decades | Mark’s Remarks

Last week marked our 30th wedding anniversary.   To me, it’s mind boggling for a plethora of reasons.  She’s put up with me that long, we have made it through…


Holiday gimmicks and money makers | Mark’s Remarks

How many times have you used the old saying “I wish I’d thought of that?”    I mean, shoot, some of the things floating around these days amaze me. Who…

bill ott

Look in the mirror | Ott Observations

The election is over, the winners are gleeful and the losers are in despair.   Media pundits and Democratic party officials are trying to dissect the results and understand the…


Simple memories and innocence | Mark’s Remarks

Here I go again.  I think just about every holiday season I have ever written about probably talks about something I’m nostalgic or sentimental about. I can’t help it. Humor…