Jon Palmer

bill ott

Revising the role of government | Ott Observations

It’s hard to imagine an issue or topic that isn’t divisive today. Supposedly different opinions are grounded in different ideologies, be they conservative, liberal, libertarian or socialistic.  It feels more…

Be quiet | Mark’s Remarks

I was reading in 2 Kings from the Bible this summer about Elijah and Elisha.  Confusing names? People mispronounce them and often get them mixed up.  But their story, their…

Graham A. Colditz, MD, Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health, is photographed at FLTC on March 15, 2022. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

A simple, healthy boost to winter comfort foods

By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center It’s the time of year when we’re drawn to comfort foods. As the days get shorter and hats and coats take center…

Annual Non-Thankful List | Mark’s Remarks

This is my third year of publishing my “non-thankful list.” Some folks are appalled that I publish such a thing, but I don’t care. It’s a good way to gripe…

Saltburn FEAT

Saltburn | Movie Review

In order to give Emerald Ferrell’s latest movie a fair shake, one must first step back and let it all sink in. “Saltburn,” in theaters Nov. 22, is part dark…

bill ott

Horror and dread | Ott Observations

As I watched the first news reports of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, I was of course horrified.  There is no excuse whatsoever for the slaughter of civilians and…

Square dancing with Mrs. B | Mark’s Remarks

I went through a Charlie Brown phase when I was a kid.  I tried sports, but wasn’t very good. Boy Scouts intrigued me, but I could never fish as well…

Parenting and teaching | Mark’s Remarks

I have often wondered, during my teaching career, how many parents simply want a break.  I mean, how often did we wish we had an easy kid to take care…

bill ott

The Age of Skepticism | Ott Observations

I was on a retreat recently and the issue of the decline of the institution of religion was part of the discussion. Less than half of Americans are members of…

The Horror | Mark’s Remarks

I have said for all of my married life that I could die a happy man if my wife ever told me she’d found the perfect swimsuit and was also…