Jon Palmer

bill ott

Thinking it through | Ott Observations

I once worked for an automotive industry supplier.  We made the metal tongue that snaps into your seat belt buckle.   We were a second tier supplier, selling the tongues to…


Running high | Mark’s Remarks

This week, I read an article written by Amy Betters-Midtvedt, an author and former teacher who has written books about raising kids, teaching, and life in general. I don’t agree…


Cell phone: Instruments of Satan | Mark’s Remarks

I used to laugh at older folks who got in such a tizzy about cell phones or computers.  Being a “tweener,” I came along on sort of the tail end…

bill ott

A nobility competition | Ott Observations

This past Jan. 20 was an unusually noteworthy day for all Americans. It was the day we inaugurated a new president, once again transferring power peacefully in a rite of…


Quiet! We’re on the air | Mark’s Remarks

When I was growing up, I often remember how my family bragged about good manners.  I came from hard-working farm folk, and clean houses, clean cars, clean kids and good…

Graham A. Colditz, MD, Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health, is photographed at FLTC on March 15, 2022. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

Keep active in winter with an eye toward spring | For Your Health

By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center We’ve made it past Groundhog Day — again — but whether Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not, winter can often feel…


My strange obsession | Mark’s Remarks

OK, so it may not be an obsession but since I’m considered a journalist, I thought I’d go the route of sensationalism and try to get ratings for this column.…

bill ott

Moral compass | Ott Observations

I watched President Jimmy Carter’s funeral at the National Cathedral. It made an impression on me, generating a lot of thoughts and reflections. The first stunning impression was that President…


More ridiculous stories of my youth | Mark’s Remarks

Sometimes I start telling stories to my friends or family, and as I’m telling the story, what seems to be a normal reminiscing turns into a tale in which the…


Snow days aren’t the same anymore | Mark’s Remarks

I used to wonder why principals and retired teachers seemed to lose sight of being in the classroom.  Principals would make some decision, usually about discipline, that I thought was…