Michael Reuss


Christmas lists | Mark’s Remarks

 I tried to watch the classic Bela Lugosi “Dracula” the other night right after we said good night to the driveway fire pit and told the neighbors across the street…


Sallywood | Movie Review

After I mentioned her brief but funny appearance in my movie review of “80 for Brady” starring Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno, Sally Field and Lily Tomlin, Oscar-nominated and Golden Globe…

bill ott

Real issues | Ott Observations

When you ask people about the issues on which they decide their vote, you get a whole range of answers.  Some don’t appear to sort issues by importance or priority.…


Party aftermath | Mark’s Remarks

Our youngest, according to her three older siblings, is spoiled.  Since she was 3, she has dreamed up and hosted several different parties. Her first Halloween party took place when…

Graham A. Colditz, MD, Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health, is photographed at FLTC on March 15, 2022. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

A painless test for lung cancer that saves lives | For Your Health

By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center Our progress against lung cancer is something to celebrate. Millions of lives have been saved in the U.S. alone since rates of…


Regrets, lessons learned from Kathy Bates

I watched Kathy Bates on “CBS Sunday Morning” a couple of weeks ago because I like her.  She’s been in some really good movies and played some great characters.  I…


Taste Buds | More than a recipe

An online column by Vivanda Felice and Pipa Benoit, pseudonyms for two Monroe County foodies dedicated to supporting and highlighting local food spirit and culture Community cookbooks seem abundant throughout…

bill ott

Defunding government | Ott Observations

For some of us, one election issue is a concern some legislators want to defund police.  In fact, this is only a handful of extremists in the Democratic Party and…


Luxuriating | Mark’s Remarks

Sometimes I like to pretend I’m a famous columnist who makes so much money writing that he can write philosophical and clever columns from the den of my country house,…


Timing | Mark’s Remarks

If it weren’t for my judgemental nature, I doubt I’d have much fodder for this column. That, along with my complaining about the irritations of life, have kept me going…