Madison Lammert

Chain of command and investigation

I think it is widely known around our little towns what went on in our school district a few months ago. An administrator that many of us loved was asked…

Mrs. Harris FEAT

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris | Movie Review

Back in the day, especially in times of trouble, people flocked to the movies to escape. Musicals, formulaic love stories and light, fluffy fare with happy endings were standards for audiences…

Evolution of commercials | Mark’s Remarks

You really show your age when you start being offended by television commercials.   I just noticed this the other night – especially after my kids started rolling their eyes…

bill ott

Re-examining states’ rights | Ott Observations

When I attended the smash Broadway musical “Hamilton,” it stirred in me an interest in digging deeper into the origin of our country and the issues our founders faced. I’ve…

Dog days of summer, circa 1980 | Mark’s Remarks

All of us adults want to fuss at kids for their bad habits and how they use their free time. But I will tell you I have very vivid memories…

Graham A. Colditz, MD, Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health, is photographed at FLTC on March 15, 2022. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

Four Healthy Eating Tips That Can Lower the Risk of Cancer | For Your Health

By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center It’s likely no surprise to read that what we choose to eat and drink can have a large impact on our health,…

Awkward sentiments | Mark’s Remarks

The older we get, the more we experience  death of people our own age. I think it’s shocking because we forget that time goes on.  We forget that the person…

bill ott

Do we need to set higher standards? | Ott Observations

While dozens of states are raising identification standards for citizens to vote, I’ve been reading another book about our Founding Fathers.  I think most of us can agree that having…

The ‘what’s important’ age | Mark’s Remarks

You tend to do a lot of reflecting as you approach milestones. My age group is moving toward retirement, grandparenthood, and various stages of life that we are a bit…

elvis FEAT

Elvis | Movie Review

By JEREMY HOUSEWRIGHT The King lives – at least for a couple hours in Baz Luhrmann’s new film “Elvis.”  This film is carried not by America’s favorite actor Tom Hanks, but…