Madison Lammert

Loneliness | Mark’s Remarks
This time of the year is when we think of being surrounded by people. However, there are plenty of people who are alone and who feel alone. For various reasons,…

Elisha and the Bears | Mark’ Remarks
When I was little in Sunday school, we often looked at “story cards” when the teacher was telling a Bible story. Many of those images remain in my mind: Jesus…

Revising the role of government | Ott Observations
It’s hard to imagine an issue or topic that isn’t divisive today. Supposedly different opinions are grounded in different ideologies, be they conservative, liberal, libertarian or socialistic. It feels more…

Be quiet | Mark’s Remarks
I was reading in 2 Kings from the Bible this summer about Elijah and Elisha. Confusing names? People mispronounce them and often get them mixed up. But their story, their…

A simple, healthy boost to winter comfort foods
By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center It’s the time of year when we’re drawn to comfort foods. As the days get shorter and hats and coats take center…

Annual Non-Thankful List | Mark’s Remarks
This is my third year of publishing my “non-thankful list.” Some folks are appalled that I publish such a thing, but I don’t care. It’s a good way to gripe…

Horror and dread | Ott Observations
As I watched the first news reports of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, I was of course horrified. There is no excuse whatsoever for the slaughter of civilians and…