Madison Lammert

Thinking it through | Ott Observations
I once worked for an automotive industry supplier. We made the metal tongue that snaps into your seat belt buckle. We were a second tier supplier, selling the tongues to…

Running high | Mark’s Remarks
This week, I read an article written by Amy Betters-Midtvedt, an author and former teacher who has written books about raising kids, teaching, and life in general. I don’t agree…

Cell phone: Instruments of Satan | Mark’s Remarks
I used to laugh at older folks who got in such a tizzy about cell phones or computers. Being a “tweener,” I came along on sort of the tail end…

A nobility competition | Ott Observations
This past Jan. 20 was an unusually noteworthy day for all Americans. It was the day we inaugurated a new president, once again transferring power peacefully in a rite of…

Quiet! We’re on the air | Mark’s Remarks
When I was growing up, I often remember how my family bragged about good manners. I came from hard-working farm folk, and clean houses, clean cars, clean kids and good…

Keep active in winter with an eye toward spring | For Your Health
By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siteman Cancer Center We’ve made it past Groundhog Day — again — but whether Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not, winter can often feel…

My strange obsession | Mark’s Remarks
OK, so it may not be an obsession but since I’m considered a journalist, I thought I’d go the route of sensationalism and try to get ratings for this column.…

Moral compass | Ott Observations
I watched President Jimmy Carter’s funeral at the National Cathedral. It made an impression on me, generating a lot of thoughts and reflections. The first stunning impression was that President…