Kermit Constantine
Thrift Store Madness and Dressing Weird in the 80s | Mark’s Remarks
Do any of you remember the phase in the 1980s when all the cool kids were wearing oversized coats, vintage hats and all the old stuff? I think it started…
The Healthy + Happy Life | Tick, tock! What are you waiting for?
BY AMY WAGENKNECHT As a teacher, I would never ask my students to read a book before they knew how to sound out words. I would never ask them to…
Tricky Micki | Mark’s Remarks
My wife will get me after she reads this column, so I may have to move into one of your basements. Please send specifics of your rental space to the…
The Demise of Community Institutions | Mark’s Remarks
In my hometown of Fairfield, Illinois, we always had the constant presence and importance of two community institutions: the local newspaper and local radio station. The Wayne County Press is…
A Long Life | Mark’s Remarks
Do you ever think about those people who lived in biblical times? If you do a little research, you can find that people lived to be over 900 years old…
Naysayers and Distributors of Mundane Advice | Mark’s Remarks
I’m telling you, there’s one in every crowd: someone who has to rain on your parade. Some folks don’t even know they are doing it. The older I get, the…
All You Need is a Little Vitamin P | The Happy + Healthy Life
By AMY WAGENKNECHT For the Republic-Times Every year we start off with great intentions. We write the resolutions: Lose weight. Save more money. Get organized. Quit smoking. Exercise. Yet, according…
Agendas | Mark’s Remarks
Small towns are interesting places. People come together in various fashions, whether it be in neighborhoods or at functions. Most of the time, around here, sporting events are the…