James Moss


Conversations, first-hand accounts and both sides | Mark’s Remarks

I am a fan of Ryan’s column. He’s the guy who writes “Planet Ryan.” Most of the time you can find him in a southwest direction from my corner of…

Ferguson | Planet Ryan

Aug. 17 started out as a relatively normal Sunday for me, but would later turn into one I’ll never forget. It was the day I spent some time on the…


Faux pas | Mark’s Remarks

Jerry Seinfeld wrote an entire television series about nothing. Or so he says. To me, the show was certainly about something. But I guess it never had a main theme.…


Spark | Mark’s Remarks

For years, I griped about small talk. Every year, I would cringe when people would ask me the same old questions. “Are you ready for school to start? How was…

School News Monroe County

Back to School Photos 2014

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Free College | Planet Ryan

Back in August 2011, I wrote my first column for this awesome, award-winning newspaper. Here I am, three years later. Cheers! Most regular readers of my column will know that…


Discovering the Wizard | Mark’s Remarks

My 3-year old and I went to see “The Wizard of Oz” stage play on Saturday night. Since her mother and I are well aware of the whole flying monkey…


Random thoughts about breakfast | Mark’s Remarks

I sat with my kids the other morning and started thinking about the whole idea of breakfast. Our routine at breakfast time is usually the same: Individual kids pad into…


Tasks at Hand | Mark’s Remarks

Every year about this time, I tend to focus on the negative instead of the positive. That sort of stinks. I look at the summer each time August rolls around…

Leaving your comfort zone | Planet Ryan

I’m as guilty as the next person when it comes to following a daily, comfortable routine. I would bet most of us are. Do this, this, this, and that, and…