James Moss

Old | Mark’s Remarks

My friends and I decided to attend a seminar on teacher retirement. You see, we are all in close proximity to that magic year when we will hang up our…

Nose Prints | Mark’s Remarks

Here it is. I’m thinking this is probably my 11th or 12th column about the beginning of school. I am celebrating the beginning of my 30th year of teaching this…

The size of things | Mark’s Remarks

I look back at some of the things I thought and said as a kid and can only surmise that I was sort of dense. Ever do that? I’ve had…

Mindfulness | The Happy + Healthy Life

Have you ever been on auto-pilot driving down the road and realized you don’t remember half of your trip? Have you ever had a conversation and five minutes later forgotten…

Tips for helping | Mark’s Remarks

It is very difficult for anyone to understand another person’s plight. Do you agree? The old adage “You have to walk in someone else’s shoes” is so right. I heard…

The black and white TV | Mark’s Remarks

The recent hot weather forced us to stay inside much of the afternoon and find things to do. At one point, we watched an old black and white television show,…

Don’t forget to play | The Happy + Healthy Life

My sweet and thoughtful friend Amanda tagged me in a Facebook post of a simple sketch of two swings. At the bottom it read, “Don’t forget to play.”  Along with…

Every 7 seconds | Mark’s Remarks

Did you ever hear that guys think about sex every seven seconds? I’m a guy.  I don’t know about every seven seconds, but I can tell you guys think about…

Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood | Movie Review

My first thought after seeing “Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood” is that I think I might like hanging out with Quentin Tarantino. We seem to have a lot in…

Life lessons from hiking | The Happy + Healthy Life

Being out in nature improves both your physical and mental well-being. Taking a hike not only can get your heart rate up, but it can also bring clarity to a…