James Moss
1917 | Movie Review
Sam Mendes has achieved something many filmmakers hope for, yet rarely achieve: he has made a movie that will be considered an epic and will rank among the greatest war…
Twenty years already? | Mark’s Remarks
When I was in grade school, I used to imagine myself in the year 2000. In my mind’s eye, there I was; gray headed, wearing glasses. A family. Grown-up kids.…
Top 10 films of 2019
After getting off to a bit of a rocky start, 2019 turned out to be a pretty good year for movies. Although only three of the films on my top…
The Word | Mark’s Remarks
40 years this summer. Since then, it’s been an interesting journey of spiritual understanding, searching, and constant “restarts.” I’m still learning. I’m still “restarting,” sometimes on a daily basis. Something…
Toy spree | Mark’s Remarks
I’ve written before about getting the Sears catalog at Christmas, and pouring over the pages of shiny, colored photographs. I especially remember that tall matchbox car garage, something I dreamed…
Little Women | Movie Review
With an opening on Christmas Day, “Little Women” is likely to be a gift to many. To families, a movie that can be seen together. To young audiences, a discovery of…
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Movie Review
At least in popular entertainment, 2019 may go down as a year of endings, with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and “Game of Thrones” reaching conclusions of a sort. Now, “Star…
The Game of Life | Mark’s Remarks
Over the holidays, we have a chance to sit back and have some down time. Invariably, in my house, down time leads to some sort of game time. We play…