Corey Saathoff

The magic of an ordinary birthday | Mark’s Remarks
Bless Andrea Degenhart’s heart. Every year she wishes me a happy birthday in her column. You would think that all of us at the Republic-Times are one big happy family…

The airwaves | Mark’s Remarks
In my hometown, we have a little radio station that started broadcasting in the 1950’s. I grew up listening. In the mornings, there would be commentary from the announcer, a…

Leave no crop behind | Planet Ryan
Back in mid-May, I told you about my near-insatiable urge to plant a garden. Perhaps it’s just one of those things you feel you have to do as you get…

The night the lights went out | Mark’s Remarks
Recently, we had a power outage that was, I thought, wonderful. It seemed everything halted for a time. We lit candles and sat around in the quiet, really enjoying each…

How hard is it to smile? | Mark’s Remarks
I went to a local business office not too long ago. A lot of you must go there from time to time. I will try to be as vague as…

The Rodent Destroyers | Planet Ryan
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with snakes. I’m not talking about keeping a house full of them in cages or any kind of domestication –…

The Hex | Mark’s Remarks
I don’t really believe in hexes, but I do something I call putting a “hex” on old houses. Maybe it should be called “saying a prayer for an old house.”…