Corey Saathoff


Catastrophe | Mark’s Remarks

Yes, we were caught in the recent icy nightmare that came upon the St. Louis area on Friday, Dec. 16. The entire day amazed me for several reasons. My younger…


Hot or Cold? | Mark’s Remarks

The old days of school lunches are long gone. My students file through the lunch line and type in a code number. I no longer collect money or wait for…


Getting the Call | Mark’s Remarks

After the holidays, teachers face the long winter. Now, I’m not telling you that we dread our jobs every day or file into the school humming “Nobody Knows the Trouble…


Feeling Necessary | Mark’s Remarks

When spring and summer rolled around about 35 years ago, you’d find me spending a lot of time cutting grass. This was my main job from about age 9, when…


Are You Trying To Offend Me? | Mark’s Remarks

I’ll admit, and have admitted, to being an overly sensitive person. I really never was able to pinpoint why. It was just always something that was there. The other day,…


‘A Monster Calls’| Movie Review

“A Monster Calls” is not for kids. When you see the trailer for “A Monster Calls,” you see a giant tree coming to life and interacting with a young boy.…


I Can’t Believe It’s Been A Year Since I Didn’t Become A Better Person | Mark’s Remarks

Yes. It’s that time again.  Clean up, clean out, put everything away. Make a list of things you want to accomplish this year. How about making a list, just for…


The Night I Saw Santa Claus | Mark’s Remarks

There are things you keep quiet when you’re a kid. My parents and family members will tell you I talked too much when I was young. In fact, they will…


‘Jackie’ | Movie Review

Historical movies are hard for history lovers to watch, especially if you are a fan of presidential history. “Jackie,” directed by Pablo Larrain, wants to be as authentic as possible,…


Christmas Shopping in 1979 | Mark’s Remarks

I was almost always busy throughout the summer and well into fall. As long as there was grass to mow and leaves to rake, I was in business. I mowed…