Corey Saathoff

Huddled Masses | Mark’s Remarks

We practiced for an intruder last week at school. The principal announced we would have a drill one day, and we spent a little time each day talking to students…

Sporting Life | Mark’s Remarks

One thing we’ve always tried to do is be enthusiastic about the interests of our children. The boys have tried soccer, karate, baseball, basketball, football, and probably something I’m forgetting.…

Weather Freak Show | Mark’s Remarks

It wasn’t always this way. I can remember when things didn’t seem to be so crazy when it came to weather. Maybe it was because I was younger.  Maybe I…


Monroe County EMA Corner | 2/14/2018

This month’s emergency management topic is developing a plan so you are prepared in the event of a disaster.  When disaster strikes, your family and loved ones need to be…

Albert continues study abroad journey through Italy

Buonasera from Florence! As expected, this last month been quite a whirlwind of excitement The first leg of this adventure was a two-day stopover in London, where I met other…

Discouraging Disrespect | Mark’s Remarks

We were at a recent sporting event in which we sat near the “pep club.” I know a lot of the kids in the pep club and I think they…

Under Explaining | Mark’s Remarks

A few years back, there was a somewhat new term in education. A great local educator had written a book. He also taught a class, and we were all on…

In Search of a Good Balance | Mark’s Remarks

I consider myself an optimist most of the time. But as an educator, I am often in a black mood about the state of affairs surrounding education. I am often…

Lemons and Beaters | Mark’s Remarks

It is my belief that every person should own at least one “beater” in his or her lifetime. I think it makes you appreciate hard work and material possessions more.…


DIY Cleaning | Mark’s Remarks

This time of the year, there seems to be a good amount of cleaning out, polishing up, and scrubbing down. After tearing down the Christmas stuff, the absence of lights…