Corey Saathoff

Dreams of vague memories and familiar places | Mark’s Remarks

Dreams are something that have always been interesting to me. Sometimes I have dreams that stick with me for some time. One of those such dreams happened the other night.…

Dr. Graham A. Colditz headshot

A common eye disease you can take steps to prevent | For Your Health

By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Macular degeneration is a disease many of us have heard of but may not know much about. So, it may be surprising to hear that…

I’m not trying to tell you what to do | Mark’s Remarks

Now that I have three children who are adults, or painfully close, there are a lot of things I’m realizing about parenting. A lot of things. One of the things…

Progression toward dotage | Mark’s Remarks

It’s funny to look back on past columns. When I started writing this, I had a preschooler and two boys in elementary school. I wrote about little league and picking…

Dr. Graham A. Colditz headshot

Overcoming hurdles to healthy habits | For Your Health

By Dr. Graham A. Colditz Looking after our health isn’t always easy. And, if we’re honest, it can feel a bit overwhelming at times. But one thing we’ve been reminded…

bill ott

Where’s the remorse? | Ott Observations

By now, everyone has had a chance to draw their line about where they stand on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and the jury’s findings of “not guilty.” If you’re not…

Rules? What rules? | Mark’s Remarks

Have you noticed these days that there is an increasing number of people who think the rules don’t apply to them? Because I am trying very hard to show grace…

Tuning in | Mark’s Remarks

I have found that, as I get older, I have a constant struggle between my selfish need to be comfortable and concerned for only myself and the more level-headed idea…

bill ott

Accountability for insurrection | Ott Observations

On Sept. 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists used kidnapped airplanes to destroy the Twin Towers in New York and damage the Pentagon in our nation’s capitol.   There was no fake…

Out with the riff raff | Mark’s Remarks

I told you that 15 years ago, I wrote two consecutive columns about moving to a new house.  Now, we have moved to another home, and I have enough information…