Christine Otten
The big leagues | Planet Ryan
In my last column, I wrote about my love for smoked meats. Usually, I wouldn’t go back-to-back on the same subject, but I’m so excited about a recent development, I…
I’m smarter than you | Mark’s Remarks
As I grow older, I become less tolerant of the idiosyncrasies of people. That’s really not a good way to be, is it? I mean, if I feel this way,…
Going uptown | Mark’s Remarks
When I was little, going shopping in town was going “uptown.” I always thought it was because we had to drive up the big hill on First Street to get…
Adventures in meat | Planet Ryan
At this point in my life, I’m a little more than convinced that my German heritage predisposes me to a love for sausages. It has to be genetic, right? As…
Dolly Parton and Saturday nights | Mark’s Remarks
We just booked a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains for our summer vacation. Taking a vacation is a major deal for us and we are not only grateful to…
Where are my glasses? | Mark’s Remarks
You might remember that I wrote a column a few years back about the need to get glasses. It was about five years ago. I could read most things with…
Hannah | Mark’s Remarks
Yes, you could call me hard-hearted Hannah (I wonder how people named “Hannah” feel about this moniker). I have a hard time understanding the fluffy stuff we have in our…
Opening Day | Planet Ryan
I’ve written about my family’s love for St. Louis Cardinals baseball in the past, but a few things have changed since then, namely, the passing of my sweet, hard-working grandmother…