

Watching the Telly | Mark’s Remarks

I started watching“The Benny Hill Show” on a visit to my cousin’s when I was quite young.  Ever since then, I have taken a liking to TV shows from “across…


Victim | Mark’s Remarks

The other day, I saw this video on Facebook that a young African-American man made.  He is wise beyond his years. In the video, he talked about being pulled over…

Soft Targets | Planet Ryan

Two weeks ago, 24-year-old Mohammad Abulazeez, armed with heavy weaponry, fired at least 50 shots into a military recruiting center and Naval Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., that left four…


We Heard | Mark’s Remarks

So, school registration is happening. That means summer is almost over and school will begin soon. Teachers, whether they want to admit it or not, are excited too. Oh sure,…

Songs4Soldiers is Sept. 12

By DUSTIN ROW As founder and president of Songs4Soldiers,  I want to provide an update on what this local 501(c)(3) not-for-profit group has been up to. Our organization helps St.…


Pushing Hard | Mark’s Remarks

Here I go again. Yet another column written around that one day of the year that is unavoidable: my birthday.  At this writing, it has come and gone. It was…

The Trump Card | Planet Ryan

If I could turn back the clock a few months, I’d bet a large sum of money that 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wouldn’t have made it as far…


Summer, appointment TV and long days | Mark’s Remarks

Looking back, I’ve decided that I watched a lot of TV, especially in summer. I’m not sure if I watched too much TV, but I remember watching a lot. My…

Planet Ryan | Back on the horse

About a year and a half ago, I wrote a column which outlined my efforts to get healthy, which included eating “clean” and working out. I didn’t write the column…


Mark’s Remarks | Basements

I’ve always had an interest in basements. I always wanted one when I was growing up.  In my neighborhood, almost all of the houses were built right after World War…