

Three decades | Mark’s Remarks

Last week marked our 30th wedding anniversary.   To me, it’s mind boggling for a plethora of reasons.  She’s put up with me that long, we have made it through…


Holiday gimmicks and money makers | Mark’s Remarks

How many times have you used the old saying “I wish I’d thought of that?”    I mean, shoot, some of the things floating around these days amaze me. Who…

bill ott

Look in the mirror | Ott Observations

The election is over, the winners are gleeful and the losers are in despair.   Media pundits and Democratic party officials are trying to dissect the results and understand the…


Simple memories and innocence | Mark’s Remarks

Here I go again.  I think just about every holiday season I have ever written about probably talks about something I’m nostalgic or sentimental about. I can’t help it. Humor…


Forced Christmas | Mark’s Remarks

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it: I think people rush Christmas every year because they long for something to change. They are not happy with something going…

share the feast

Sharing the Feast | Taste Buds

An online column by Vivanda Felice and Pipa Benoit, pseudonyms for two Monroe County foodies dedicated to supporting and highlighting local food spirit and culture Sharing the Feast Thanksgiving came…

bill ott

We failed the character test | Ott Observations

As I watched the election returns and realized Donald Trump will be our next president, I found myself thinking about our Founding Fathers. I imagined them traveling forward in time…


The truth about Thanksgiving and George Washington | Mark’s Remarks

People have been rewriting history for a long, long time. Folks like to blame liberals and “the woke.” But really, it’s nothing new. People have been messing with history for…


Toys of my youth | Mark’s Remarks

Toys have an emotional impact, no matter what people say.   Regardless of how many you had growing up, there is at least one special toy someone can recall.  …

bill ott

Choosing humanity | Ott Observations

Earlier this fall, I was touring the Alps in central Europe. There were countless beautiful churches.  On the side wall of one of the churches there was this saying: “We…