Aunt Maggie’s on Main

230 N. Main St., Columbia. 681-281-7894. Owners: Craig Rudy, John Rudy, Jackie Rudy-Tewell.

Aunt Maggie’s on Main has been working to bring Columbia good food, good service and a good atmosphere since its opening in early December.

The restaurant, located at 230 N. Main St. in Columbia, currently serves a lunch and dinner buffet.

Owners Craig Rudy, Jackie Rudy-Tewell and John Rudy are working on a menu that will also be incorporated in the coming months.

This year, they hope to continue to grow their business, offer their patrons a great place to eat a quality, home-cooked meal and to be able to give back to the city of Columbia.

Read a recent story featured on Aunt Maggie’s on Main by the Republic-Times.


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